Feriados e comemorações em todo o mundo

linkEslováquia : feriados, fechamento de bancos, as férias escolares

Eslováquia : calendário completo de feriados, fechamentos de bancos e bolsas de valores, as férias escolares, feiras, eventos culturais e esportivos, festivais, carnavais, eleição para os próximos 3 meses

  • Moeda: Euro (EUR)
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    Domínio na internet: .sk - Código telefônico: +421 - Código de discagem internacional: 00
  • Fim-de-semana: sábado e domingo
  • PARA TRADUZIR NAS LINGUAS DESTE PAÍS: húngaro-magiar (14 milhões de falantes), eslovaco (4 milhões de falantes), cigano, romani, vlax (10 milhões de falantes) ...
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  • DataNameTipoMais
    Segunda-feira 1 abril, 2024Segunda-Feira de Páscoa (clique)Católica ou Protestante
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    Quarta-feira 3 abril, 2024Férias da Páscoa (fim)férias escolares
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    Sábado 6 abril, 2024Eleição presidencialeventos excepcionais
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    Sábado 13 abril, 2024Dia da Memoriaeventos, celebrações, festivais
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    Quarta-feira 1 maio, 2024Dia do TrabalhadorFeriado secular
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    Quarta-feira 8 maio, 2024Libertação da RepúblicaFeriado Nacional
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    Domingo 12 maio, 2024Festa das MãesCartões/Flores
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    Quinta-feira 23 maio, 2024Dia nacional do Vlachseventos, celebrações, festivais
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    Sábado 8 junho, 2024Eleições europeiaseventos excepcionais
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    Domingo 16 junho, 2024Fathers' DayCartões/Flores
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    Sexta-feira 21 junho, 2024Day of the Departure of Occupation Troops of the Soviet Army from Czechoslovakiaeventos, celebrações, festivais
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    Sexta-feira 28 junho, 2024Férias de verão (começo)férias escolares
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    Sexta-feira 5 julho, 2024Saint Cyril & Saint MethodOrtodoxa
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    Sexta-feira 5 julho, 2024Day of Slovaks Living Abroadeventos, celebrações, festivais
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    Quarta-feira 17 julho, 2024Dia da Independênciaeventos, celebrações, festivais
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    Sábado 10 agosto, 2024Dia das vítimas do desastre de Miningeventos excepcionais
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    Quarta-feira 21 agosto, 2024Day of Victims of the Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968eventos, celebrações, festivais
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    Quinta-feira 29 agosto, 2024Ressurreição Nacional EslovacaFeriado secular
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    Domingo 1 setembro, 2024Dia da ConstituiçãoFeriado secular
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    Segunda-feira 2 setembro, 2024Férias de verão (fim)férias escolares
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    Domingo 15 setembro, 2024Nossa Senhora das Sete MágoasFeriado secular
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    Domingo 6 outubro, 2024Maratona KosicerEventos desportivos
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    Sexta-feira 18 outubro, 2024Feriado da metade do trimestre (começo)férias escolares
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    Domingo 27 outubro, 2024Tempo do inverno/verãoeventos excepcionais
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    Segunda-feira 28 outubro, 2024State holidayeventos, celebrações, festivais
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    Segunda-feira 28 outubro, 2024Feriado da metade do trimestre (fim)férias escolares
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    Segunda-Feira de Páscoa (clique)

    Segunda-feira 1 abril, 2024
    Católica ou Protestante : In the year 325, the Council of Nicée determined a date fo Easter. Full Moon would fall the 14th day of a moon month . Easter would be marked by the dominical letter and the epactus. With the establishment of the equinox ne variatur on March 21, algorithms where elaborated to attribuate a date for Easter whatever the year. Time between two consecutive new moons: 20 days 12 hours 44 minutes 2.8 -
    Gives a letter code for the year's calendar
    Age of the moon on January 1st, minus one unity, 0 being the new moon's age.

    Férias da Páscoa (fim)

    Quarta-feira 3 abril, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Eleição presidencial

    Sábado 6 abril, 2024
    eventos excepcionais :

    Dia da Memoria

    Sábado 13 abril, 2024
    Cultura : Day of victims unjustly prosecuted

    Dia do Trabalhador

    Quarta-feira 1 maio, 2024
    Feriado secular : From 2011 on, this celebration is called the Day of Slovak Accession to the EU

    Libertação da República

    Quarta-feira 8 maio, 2024
    Feriado secular : Marks the capitulation of Nazi forces to the Allies in Berlin on May 8, 1945.

    Festa das Mães

    Domingo 12 maio, 2024
    Cartões/Flores : Mother’s day has evolved in many countries in different ways. This is because mother’s day has different origins in different countries and therefore occurs on different days in the year. One school of thought claims that this day emerged from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece. Mother worship which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of gods, and Rhea, the wife of Cronus, was held on March 15 to March 18 around Asia Minor. They insist that this custom spread around the world. Mothering Sunday is the celebration of motherhood in the United Kingdom. It is also known as Mid-lent Sunday, Rose Sunday and Laetare Sunday. It originally comes from the Victorian practice of allowing servants to return home to visit their mothers on this day. In the United States, Julia Ward Howe (May 27, 1819 - October 17, 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet. Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862 and quickly became one of the most popular songs for the Union during the American Civil War. After the war she focused her activities on the causes of Pacifism and women’s suffrage. In 1870 she was the first to proclaim Mother’s Day, with her Mother’s Day Proclamation. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson approved Mother’s Day in 1914

    Dia nacional do Vlachs

    Quinta-feira 23 maio, 2024
    Cultura :

    Eleições europeias

    Sábado 8 junho, 2024
    eventos excepcionais :

    Fathers' Day

    Domingo 16 junho, 2024
    Cartões/Flores :

    Day of the Departure of Occupation Troops of the Soviet Army from Czechoslovakia

    Sexta-feira 21 junho, 2024
    Cultura :

    Férias de verão (começo)

    Sexta-feira 28 junho, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Saint Cyril & Saint Method

    Sexta-feira 5 julho, 2024
    Ortodoxa : Cyril and Methodius were two brothers born in Thessaloniki in the Byzantine Empire in the 9th century, who became missionaries of Christianity in Khazaria and Great Moravia. They both perfected a Slavonic alphabet which is now known as the Cyrillic alphabet and translated the liturgy into this language. Wikipedia

    Day of Slovaks Living Abroad

    Sexta-feira 5 julho, 2024
    Cultura :

    Dia da Independência

    Quarta-feira 17 julho, 2024
    Cultura : Day of the Declaration of Independence of the Slovak Republic - Declared on 17th of July 1992

    Dia das vítimas do desastre de Mining

    Sábado 10 agosto, 2024
    eventos excepcionais : Since 2011

    Day of Victims of the Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968

    Quarta-feira 21 agosto, 2024
    Cultura :

    Ressurreição Nacional Eslovaca

    Quinta-feira 29 agosto, 2024
    Feriado secular : The Slovak National Uprising was an armed insurrection organized by Slovak anti-Nazi resistance movements during WWII. It was launched in August 1944 from Banská Bystrica. [Wikipedia]

    Dia da Constituição

    Domingo 1 setembro, 2024
    Feriado secular : The Constitution of the Slovak Republic was ratified 1 September 1992, and became effective 1 January 1993). It was amended in September 1998 to allow direct election of the president and again in February 2001 due to EU admission requirements. The civil law system is based on Austro-Hungarian codes. The legal code was modified to comply with the obligations of Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and to expunge the Marxist–Leninist legal theory. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday [Wikipedia]

    Férias de verão (fim)

    Segunda-feira 2 setembro, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Nossa Senhora das Sete Mágoas

    Domingo 15 setembro, 2024
    Feriado secular : Recalls the Sorrows the Virgin Mary endured in compassion for the suffering and death of her Divine Son. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Maratona Kosicer

    Domingo 6 outubro, 2024
    Eventos desportivos : Www.kosicemarathon.com/ 2024 edition confirmed

    Feriado da metade do trimestre (começo)

    Sexta-feira 18 outubro, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Tempo do inverno/verão

    Domingo 27 outubro, 2024
    eventos excepcionais : à 1 hora da manhã, hora local Daylight Saving time (DST)

    State holiday

    Segunda-feira 28 outubro, 2024
    Cultura : Before the break-up of Czechoslovakia, October 28 was celebrated as a national holiday. It dropped from the list after the creation of independent Slovakia in 1993, and was not even marked as a memorial day. This changed only in 1999.

    Feriado da metade do trimestre (fim)

    Segunda-feira 28 outubro, 2024
    Férias escolares :