Férias de Natal (começo)
17 dezembro, 2024
Férias escolares :
Réveillon de Natal
24 dezembro, 2024
Cultura :
Fechamento dos bancos
24 dezembro, 2024
bancos apenas :
25 dezembro, 2024
Católica ou Protestante : Através dos tempos os povos celebraram o meio do inverno com fogueiras,oferendas e festividades. No século IV o Papa Julio I estabeleceu o dia 25 de dezembro para comemorar o nascimento de Jesus, acrescentando um elemento Cristão às festividades.
Ano Novo, com exceção de
1 janeiro, 2025
Feriado secular : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Férias de Natal (fim)
6 janeiro, 2025
Férias escolares : Www.portugal.gov.pt
based on the calendar issued by the Ministry of Education of Portugal
all study programs are aligned with the requirements of the Bologna Process
2022 PISA ranking: #27 with a 478 score
Schooling is mandatory till age 18
Average class size: more than 22
number of instructional hours per year in lower secondary education: 580
Number of teaching days: 175-180
Usually no school on Saturday
No uniform required
University of Lisbon ranking: Times Higher Education #401-500/QS ranking #305/Shanghai (2023) #201-300
We carry confirmed dates till July 2025; Further dates are projected dates based on previous years
Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to
[email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Portugese schools
[email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.
Dia dos namorados
14 fevereiro, 2025
Cartões/Flores : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February
Feriado de Carnaval (começo)
28 fevereiro, 2025
Férias escolares :
Feriado costumeiro
4 março, 2025
Feriado secular : Terça-feira Gorda Carnaval
Feriado de Carnaval (fim)
5 março, 2025
Férias escolares :
Festa dos Pais
19 março, 2025
Cartões/Flores :
Dia da Árvore
21 março, 2025
Cartões/Flores :
Férias da primavera (começo)
21 março, 2025
Férias escolares :
Tempo do inverno/verão
30 março, 2025
eventos excepcionais : à 1 hora da manhã, hora local
Daylight Saving time (DST)
Fim do Ramadã (pode ser transferido para o dia posterior mais próximo)
31 março, 2025
Cartões/Flores : The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, a number of other days. Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you; and that you should complete the period, and that you should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that perhaps you may be thankful [Wikipedia]