Feriado Nacional
12 outubro, 2024
Feriado secular : To commemorate the arrival of Columbus in Americas in 1492. It is also celebrated as the day of the Armed Forces in Spain.
Yom Kippur
13 outubro, 2024
Cartões/Flores :
Tempo do inverno/verão
27 outubro, 2024
eventos excepcionais : à 1 hora da manhã, hora local
Daylight Saving time (DST)
25 dezembro, 2024
Católica ou Protestante : Através dos tempos os povos celebraram o meio do inverno com fogueiras,oferendas e festividades. No século IV o Papa Julio I estabeleceu o dia 25 de dezembro para comemorar o nascimento de Jesus, acrescentando um elemento Cristão às festividades.
Férias escolares
1 janeiro, 2025
Férias escolares : calendars gazetted by the respective Departments of Education
Each province carries its own specific set of holidays, please scroll on the concerned province
Average class size: more than 25
all study programs are aligned with the requirements of the Bologna Process
PISA ranking (average 493): 493
Schooling is mandatory till age 16
number of instructional hours per year in lower secondary education: 700 hours
Usually no school on Saturday
No uniform required
Schooling is mandatory till age 16
Usually no school on Saturday
No uniform required
2022 PISA ranking: #31 with a 477 score
Autonomous University of Madrid ranking: Times Higher Education #351-400/QS ranking #187/Shanghai #201-300
Ano Novo, com exceção de
1 janeiro, 2025
Feriado secular : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Epifania (clique)
6 janeiro, 2025
Católica : The term comes from ancient Greek and means appearance . Cele ated on the 6th January, this feast corresponds to the presentation of Child Jesus to the Magi. This is the day of Jesus' first miracle, the Wedding in Cana , and the day of his own baptism Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Dia do Jornalista
24 janeiro, 2025
eventos excepcionais :