25 dezembro, 2024
Católica ou Protestante : Através dos tempos os povos celebraram o meio do inverno com fogueiras,oferendas e festividades. No século IV o Papa Julio I estabeleceu o dia 25 de dezembro para comemorar o nascimento de Jesus, acrescentando um elemento Cristão às festividades.
Dia do Ano Novo de Kayin
30 dezembro, 2024
Feriado secular : Isso é quase um feriado nacional. Os nativos usam suas roupas tradicionais. Eles cantam e executam danças. Celebrações realizar-se essencialmente na estado Kayin.
Réveillon do Ano Novo (geralmente à tarde)
31 dezembro, 2024
Feriado secular :
Ano Novo, com exceção de
1 janeiro, 2025
Feriado secular : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Dia da Independência
4 janeiro, 2025
Feriado secular : Celebrates Burma's Declaration of Independence from Britain on January 4, 1948.
Dia do Ano Novo de Naga
14 janeiro, 2025
Cultura :
Ano Novo Chinês
29 janeiro, 2025
Feriado secular :
Festa da União
12 fevereiro, 2025
Feriado secular : Celebrates Bogyoke Aung San's short-lived achievement of unifying Myanmar's disparate racial groups. For two weeks preceding Union Day, the national flag is paraded from town to town.
Dia nacional do queixo
20 fevereiro, 2025
Cultura : Till the time British conquered the Chin Hills in 1895, Chins were ruled themselves by chieftains. The Chin leaders joined with other ethnic minority leaders of Burma and signed the historic Panglong Agreement on February 12, 1947 to achieve independence from the British. Barely one month after the independence of Burma, the first Chin National Conference was held from February 19 to 22 at Falam town in Chin land and it was attended by more than 5,000 Chin nationals. On the second day of the conference, the participants decided to eliminate the existing feudal Chieftainship and adopt a
democratic administration in Chin land. The conference also decided to observe the day as Chin National Day
Dia dos Camponeses
2 março, 2025
Feriado secular : In tribute the the country's main human resource.
Dia de Lua Cheia de Taboung
13 março, 2025
Feriado secular : The lunar month of Tabaung (Taboung) brings the annual Shwedagon Festival, the largest paya pwe (pagoda festival) in Myanmar. The full-moon day in Tabaung is also an auspicious occasion for the construction of new payas and local paya festivals are held. Taboung or Tabaung is a local month fallin in February-March.
Dia das Forças Armadas (Tatmadaw Day)
27 março, 2025
Feriado secular : Este dia é comemorado com desfiles e fogo de artifício. Desde 1989, alguns presos estão perdoados naquele dia.