Feriados e comemorações em todo o mundo
Polónia, hoje é o dia nacional do seu país! A EDIT deseja-lhe muitas felicidades neste dia tão especial!

linkRússia (Kaliningrad) : feriados, fechamento de bancos, as férias escolares

Rússia (Kaliningrad) : calendário completo de feriados, fechamentos de bancos e bolsas de valores, as férias escolares, feiras, eventos culturais e esportivos, festivais, carnavais, eleição para os próximos 3 meses

  • Moeda: Ruble (RUR)
  • Domínio na internet: .ru - Código telefônico: +7 - Código de discagem internacional: 8-10
  • Fim-de-semana: sábado e domingo
  • PARA TRADUZIR NAS LINGUAS DESTE PAÍS: línguas vernáculas, russo, tártaro, bashkir (1 milhão de falantes), buriate (0,5 milhão de falantes) ...
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  • DataNameTipoMais
    Quarta-feira 1 maio, 2024Dia do TrabalhadorFeriado secular
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    Domingo 5 maio, 2024Páscoa OrtodoxaOrtodoxa
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    Quinta-feira 9 maio, 2024Festa da VitóriaFeriado secular
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    Sexta-feira 10 maio, 2024Festa da VitóriaFeriado secular
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    Sexta-feira 24 maio, 2024Férias de verão (começo)férias escolares
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    Quarta-feira 12 junho, 2024Feriado NacionalFeriado Nacional
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    Segunda-feira 2 setembro, 2024Férias de verão (fim)férias escolares
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    Dia do Trabalhador

    Quarta-feira 1 maio, 2024
    Feriado secular : Chicago, sábado 1 de maio de 1886: 350.000 trabalhadores estão em greve. Elas querem uma 8 horas de trabalho diário. Todas as indústrias estão paralisados nacional. Na segunda-feira, a polícia abriu fogo. Na terça-feira, Chicago está novamente em greve. Na sequência de uma bomba lançada contra eles, a polícia abriu fogo. 12 mortos, dos quais 7 polícias. 8 anarquistas serão condenados e executados. Em 1889, o Movimento Internacional Socialista reuniu em Paris e declarou este dia internacional trabalhadores dia . Os soviéticos tomaram a mesma decisão, assim como os nazistas. Na França, ao abrigo do regime Vichy (1940-1944), a festa foi renomeado Dia do Trabalho .

    Páscoa Ortodoxa

    Domingo 5 maio, 2024
    Ortodoxa : Paid holiday

    Festa da Vitória

    Quinta-feira 9 maio, 2024
    Feriado secular : The fighting of WWII tn Europe ended on May 2nd, 1945. The surrender of German troops was signed on May 4th and 5th but officially the war ended at midnight on May 8th 1945. To remember this important event, the Russians created a national holiday called Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9th in Russia. Russia mainly fought a war to defend itself, which is called a "patriotic war". In Russia almost all the families have at least one person who took part in the war. The other old citizens who did not fight during the war had to work in factories to make guns and preparations, which wasn't easier than fighting. They too are honored on Victory Day. The main reason for the celebration of Victory Day was to remember the people who died in the war. On that day, flowers are laid on their graves and veterans that are still alive go out on the streets wearing their medals and orders. There are few of them left now days and the number is getting smaller every year.
    work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

    Festa da Vitória

    Sexta-feira 10 maio, 2024
    Feriado secular : The fighting of WWII tn Europe ended on May 2nd, 1945. The surrender of German troops was signed on May 4th and 5th but officially the war ended at midnight on May 8th 1945. To remember this important event, the Russians created a national holiday called Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9th in Russia. Russia mainly fought a war to defend itself, which is called a "patriotic war". In Russia almost all the families have at least one person who took part in the war. The other old citizens who did not fight during the war had to work in factories to make guns and preparations, which wasn't easier than fighting. They too are honored on Victory Day. The main reason for the celebration of Victory Day was to remember the people who died in the war. On that day, flowers are laid on their graves and veterans that are still alive go out on the streets wearing their medals and orders. There are few of them left now days and the number is getting smaller every year.
    work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

    Férias de verão (começo)

    Sexta-feira 24 maio, 2024
    Férias escolares : One week later for 2, 8 & 10 grades

    Feriado Nacional

    Quarta-feira 12 junho, 2024
    Feriado secular : The First Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic on June 12, 1990. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

    Férias de verão (fim)

    Segunda-feira 2 setembro, 2024
    Férias escolares :