Feriados e comemorações em todo o mundo
África do Sul, África do Sul (Cabo Ocidental), África do Sul (Cabo Oriental), hoje é o dia nacional do seu país! A EDIT deseja-lhe muitas felicidades neste dia tão especial!

Calendário repleto de feriados do mundo, bem como o encerramento de governos, bancos e bolsas de valores, bem como calendários escolares Tuesday, Janeiro 30, 2024

Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024linkMaliFestival du Nigerr
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Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024linkBélgicaGreve ferroviária
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Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024linkReino Unido (Inglaterra)Greve ferroviária
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Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024linkTurquiaAgroExpor
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Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024linkHaitiGreve geral
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Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024linkTel Aviv Stock Exch.Feriado bancário
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkPalestina (Autoridade)Três santos hierarcas
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkÍndia (Andaman & Nicobar Island)Dia sem álcool
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkÍndia (Rajasthan)Dia sem álcool
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkÍndia (Maharashtra)Dia sem álcool
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkJordâniaAniversário do Rei
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkSíriaTrês santos hierarcas
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkRoméniaTrês santos hierarcas
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkMacedónia do Norte (República de)Três santos hierarcas
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkIraqueTrês santos hierarcas
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkGréciaTrês santos hierarcas
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkChipreTrês santos hierarcas
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkÍndia (Kerala)Dia sem álcool
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Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025linkEstados Unidos (Kentucky)Dia de Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Festival du Nigerr - Mali

Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024
Cultura : Www.festivalsegou.org lasts 2 days - in Ségou 2024 edition confirmed

Greve ferroviária - Bélgica

Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024
Feriado secular :
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Greve ferroviária - Reino Unido (Inglaterra)

Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024
Feriado secular : In London area

AgroExpor - Turquia

Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024
Feiras : Lasts 1 week - https://en.agroexpo.com.tr/ in Izmir 2024 edition confirmed

Greve geral - Haiti

Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024
Feriado secular :
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Feriado bancário - Tel Aviv Stock Exch.

Terça-feira 30 janeiro, 2024
instituições financeiras : Https://www.tase.co.il Dates confirmed till Dec 2024
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Três santos hierarcas - Palestina (Autoridade)

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
Cartões/Flores : Refers to Basil the Great (also known as Basil of Caesarea), Gregory the Theologian (also known as Gregory of Nazianzus) and John Chrysostom. They were highly influential bishops of the early church who played pivotal roles in shaping Christian theology. Wikipedia

Dia sem álcool - Índia (Andaman & Nicobar Island)

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
eventos excepcionais :

Dia sem álcool - Índia (Rajasthan)

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
eventos excepcionais :

Dia sem álcool - Índia (Maharashtra)

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
eventos excepcionais :

Aniversário do Rei - Jordânia

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
Cultura : Born in 1962, Abdullah II succeeded to his father, King Hussein.
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Três santos hierarcas - Síria

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
Cartões/Flores : Refers to Basil the Great (also known as Basil of Caesarea), Gregory the Theologian (also known as Gregory of Nazianzus) and John Chrysostom. They were highly influential bishops of the early church who played pivotal roles in shaping Christian theology. Wikipedia

Três santos hierarcas - Roménia

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
Cartões/Flores : Refers to Basil the Great (also known as Basil of Caesarea), Gregory the Theologian (also known as Gregory of Nazianzus) and John Chrysostom. They were highly influential bishops of the early church who played pivotal roles in shaping Christian theology. Wikipedia
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Três santos hierarcas - Macedónia do Norte (República de)

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
Cartões/Flores : Refers to Basil the Great (also known as Basil of Caesarea), Gregory the Theologian (also known as Gregory of Nazianzus) and John Chrysostom. They were highly influential bishops of the early church who played pivotal roles in shaping Christian theology. Wikipedia

Três santos hierarcas - Iraque

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
Cartões/Flores : Refers to Basil the Great (also known as Basil of Caesarea), Gregory the Theologian (also known as Gregory of Nazianzus) and John Chrysostom. They were highly influential bishops of the early church who played pivotal roles in shaping Christian theology. Wikipedia

Três santos hierarcas - Grécia

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
Cartões/Flores : Refers to Basil the Great (also known as Basil of Caesarea), Gregory the Theologian (also known as Gregory of Nazianzus) and John Chrysostom. They were highly influential bishops of the early church who played pivotal roles in shaping Christian theology. Wikipedia

Três santos hierarcas - Chipre

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
Cartões/Flores : Refers to Basil the Great (also known as Basil of Caesarea), Gregory the Theologian (also known as Gregory of Nazianzus) and John Chrysostom. They were highly influential bishops of the early church who played pivotal roles in shaping Christian theology. Wikipedia

Dia sem álcool - Índia (Kerala)

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
eventos excepcionais :

Dia de Franklin D. Roosevelt - Estados Unidos (Kentucky)

Quinta-feira 30 janeiro, 2025
Feriado secular : Kentucky